Saturday, August 31, 2019

Optical Distortions, Inc. Case Study Essay

A contact lens for chickens invented by Optical Distortion, Inc, is probably an amazing tool for farmers to handle their chickens easily. A chicken wearing the ODI lenses has its vision reduced enough to obtain the good behaviors the farmers expected. These good behaviors would significantly reduce cannibalism, which is the main reason for high mortality among chickens. Assuming that a farmer with 20,000 chickens(The target market of ODI lenses is farms which have at least 10,000 birds), he would save 0.21/2*20,000=$2100 per year(Exhibit5)by decreasing allocation for replacing dead birds(the chicken mortality due to cannibalism can be reduced from 9% for debeaked chickens to 4.5% for wearing ODI lenses chickens). Furthermore, reducing chickens’ vision can also lead less trauma and greater egg production efficiency. Another discovery ODI made has promoted the value of lenses as well. ODI lenses had the potential of reducing a farmer’s feed cost. If the depth of feed in troughs goes down from 2’’ to 1’’, 100 birds would reduce 0.78 pounds(i.e. 24.46 pounds – 23.68 pounds)chicken feed per day. Assuming 20,000 birds remaining the same, the expected value of reducing feed cost would help the farmer save 20,000/100*0.78=156 pounds per day. Since $158 per ton=158/2205=$0.072 per pound for chicken feed, this would represent considerable saving of 156*0.072*365=$4080 per year. In order to figure out the expected value of the lenses to farmers, we should also calculate the cost of using ODI lenses assuming 20,000 birds. ODI decided to price the lenses on minimum of $0.08 per pair or $20 per box of 250 pairs. Also, farmers would pay 0.14+0.18=$0.32 per box for packing, order processing and shipping cost. Because a farmer with 20,000 chickens need 20,000/250=80 boxes, the total cost for purchasing ODI lenses is (0.32+20)*80=$1626.(Suppose ODI lenses could be reused for a whole year, and it is unnecessary to figure out insertion cost due to approximately the same labor costs between debeaking and insertion.) It is not difficult to find the change of â€Å"cash flow† after accessing to ODI lenses. â€Å"cash inflow† is 2100+4080=$6180 per year. â€Å"cash outflow† is $1626 per year.

Friday, August 30, 2019

All Quiet on the Western Front Literary Devices essay Essay

The earth, as in the soil beneath our feet, is taken for granted every single day, but never by a soldier on the front lines. Erich Maria Remarque explains this through his character Paul Bà ¤umer in the excerpt of his novel All Quiet on the Western Front. Paul is explaining the effects that war on the front can leave with a soldier, the hopelessness, instinct of an animal, and appreciation for things as simple as the earth that we walk on. While explaining these effects Remarque uses literary and rhetorical devices.Portraying Paul’s sense of being helpless and trapped as an effect of being on the battle front, Remarque uses various literary devices to describe Paul’s feelings. The narrator Paul states, â€Å"To me the front is a mysterious whirlpool† a â€Å"vortex sucking me†¦into itself.† This extended metaphor expresses the hopelessness that the war leaves with soldier. The vortex symbolizes the loss of optimism in the weary soldiers and how it is â€Å"irresistibly† and â€Å"inescapably† happening. This paragraph of the passage could also be an example of how Remarque uses parallelism to tell of the effects.The front not only causes the soldiers to gain a muffled mind, but to also gain gratitude. While explaining the appreciation they get when fighting to survive at the front, Remarque uses different types of imagery to express their deep feeling towards the ground. â€Å"To no man doe the earth mean so much as to a soldier†. He personifies the earth by calling it â€Å"her† and creates an image of the earth as a mother figure, protecting and sheltering the soldiers. Then, later in the passage, Remarque writes as if Paul is praising the ground as a God, saying that it has â€Å"redeemed them† and â€Å"granted the soldiers a new life†. This can be taken as a dose overboard, however, this image the soldiers have devised of the earth in their mind, â€Å"she† has saved them, physically and religiously. Concluding the effects that Remarque characterizes in this portion of the novel, He describes the sudden takeover of animalistic instinct while in battle. This instinct is the difference between life and death. Paul tells that a man will find himself on the ground, right at the moment that a shell flies over him. Yet he cannot remember if he had heard it or what had happened â€Å"one cannot explain it.† This is the instinct that appears when your mind has departed â€Å"It is this other, this second sight in us.† Paul claims that this is what saves them. A literary device used near the end was when Paul says â€Å"†¦there would not be one man alive from Flanders to the Vosges.† This is a hyperbole, because it is an exaggeration. Remarque continues the idea of animal instinct using an oxymoron: the soldiers come to the front and â€Å"become on the instant human animals.† He suggests that these soldiers retain the shape of humanity but have developed animal-like qualities in order to survive. This is a tragic consequence of war- the loss of humanity and civility. In the end Paul learns that he will never be the same. The profound transformations that he has endured during while being at the front have scared him beyond repair. This amplifies the hopelessness they feel, because if they do not die physically they will die emotionally. Remarque uses literary devices throughout the passage to emphasize to affect how the text is read. He uses personification multiple times throughout the paragraphs. When speaking of the soldier’s appreciation of the earth, Remarque personifies the earth and they develop strong feelings towards it. â€Å"O Earth, thou grantest us the great resisting surge of new-won life.† The overall message of the expert is the affect of the war on a soldiers mind. He will do anything to survive, he will find new recognition, and he will even give up all of his faith.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

An Assessment to the New Deal to Determine How Neoliberal Ideology Threatens Democracy

An Assessment to the New Deal to Determine How Neoliberal Ideology Threatens Democracy Neoliberal Ideology Threatens Democracy This paper will assess the New Deal and argue that the desire to dismantle it through laissez-faire capitalism or neoliberalism threatens the wellbeing of all citizens. The Stock Market Crash of 1929 set the stage for the Great Depression, which was Franklin D. Roosevelt’s ticket into the White House against his Republican foe Herbert Hoover. The U.S. economy had been crippled severely and was in dire need of economic stimulation. Consumers had lost confidence and hope within the banking system causing the American people to withdraw their money in record numbers. Unemployment and poverty spiraled out of control. As he campaigned, Franklin D. Roosevelt metaphorically proclaimed that the American people were in need of a new deal, one in which that would restore their faith in the United States. When FDR took the Oval Office, he setout passing massive legislations. President Roosevelt’s objectives were simple and clear. His first goal was to restore consumer confidence within the banking system. His second goal was to reduce the level of unemployment and poverty. These series of legislative acts and executive orders passed by FDR and Congress became famously known as the New Deal. Indisputably, the New Deal worked, creating a more sustainable and harmonious economy. However, the ideological liberalism that was once prominent made its way to the center of the stage one again, calling for a breakdown of these government programs. It is important to note, that the term liberalism has changed over time and the term conservatism has changed out of response to this transformation of the word liberalism. Prior to the era of the New Deal, the liberal ideology advocated for an unhampered market economy, deregulation, privatization, and limiting public expenditure. In the case of the New Deal, liberal meant reform that benefited the well being of all through protective regulatory measures and welfare programs In 1932, September 23rd, Franklin Roosevelt delivered a presidential campaign speech in San Francisco called the Commonwealth Club Address. His message was that individualism must make way for collective action. The ideological liberalism that has allowed for the U.S. economy to spiral out of control through its commendation of free market enterprise and lack of government intervention must come to a halt. â€Å"Some of my friends tell me that they do not want the Government in business. With this I agree; but I wonder whether they realize the implications of the past. For while it has been American doctrine that the government must not go into business in competition with private enterprises, still it has been traditional particularly in Republican administrations for business urgently to ask the government to put at private disposal all kinds of government assistance. The same man who tells you that he does not want to see the government interfere in business—and he means it, and has plenty of good reasons for saying so—is the first to go to Washington and ask the government for a prohibitory tariff on his product. â€Å" (Franklin Roosevelt, Commonwealth Club Address) Franklin Roosevelt acknowledged that the lack of regulation, especially in the banking industry contributed to the poor economic conditions of the Great Depression. When he took office in 1933, that March, President Roosevelt proclaimed a Bank Holiday, shutting down the banking system. This put an end to the bank runs consumers were making on U.S. banks. FDR understood the importance of the financial system to the economy. Although he wanted to regulate it, he knew he must restore consumer confidence in the financial system and their government. On March 13th, when the institutions reopened for business depositors stood in line to return their cash to their neighborhood banks. Before two weeks had even passed, Americans had redeposited more than half of the currency that they had hoarded prior to the suspension. Even the stock market was suspended and recorded the largest one-day percentage increase once reopened. Franklin D Roosevelt knew in order to jumpstart the economy he had to build the American people’s confidence in the institutions. Thus, it was ironic when businessmen were calling for less government intervention, when it was government intervention that solved the Great Depression. During a speech he gave while on campaign for reelection, he metaphorically referred to the private sector as a train that has gone off the rails. He states that this train did not uplift itself out of the ditch but was hauled out by the Government. This strong message had to have been reassuring to the citizens of United States. With FDR leading the United States Government, deflation and falling prices ceased, industrial workers had more purchasing power, interest rates, power rates, and transportation rates were reduced, the rate of unemployment rate and poverty even fell. These things happened because of a strong central government that sought to create fair conditions for the public. Under FDR, social welfare programs were immense and life changing. For example, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was a public work relief program that operated for unemployed, unmarried men from relief families as part of the New Deal. Also the Works Progress Administration (renamed in 1935 as the Work Projects Administration; WPA) was the largest and most ambitious American New Deal agency, employing millions of unemployed people to carry out work to be done in the public sector, mainly infrastructure. Millions of dollars were injected into the economy through the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, liquidating the assets of the closed banks. Millions of dollars were pumped into the economy through the Federal Housing Program, which loaned money out to finance and build homes. This sort of public expenditure allowed money to circulate once again. The government spe nding on social welfare for the public put money into circulation for the economy to spend itself. President Roosevelt felt that it was his administration’s duty to combat this increase in income inequality and save American democracy, against the abuse of concentration of economic power that had been insidiously growing up among us in the past fifty years. FDR even recalled a warning of one of the Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson. President Jefferson forewarned that increasing poverty with a large concentration of wealth couldn’t sustain side by side in a democracy. However after World War II, it did not take too long for entrepreneurs to revert back to their desire to limit the government. In fact, many of them thought the government should only intervene as a last resort when the economy cannot be stimulated through the private sector. This allowed for classical liberalism to revive itself. While some liberals (welfare liberals) came to embrace the government for its growth promoting, economy-managing and its concern for social welfare, there were a minority (corporate liberals) that evolved into an anti-state faction within the conservative party that only wanted growth. â€Å"As government became more responsive to political movements for reform, conservatives became more suspicious of government while liberals became more attracted to it.† (American Political Thought) Another dilemma arose from this division amongst liberals, and that is whether the have-nots were entitled to a large share of economic opportunities and wealth. There grew a huge resentment for the focus the nation had placed on social welfare. Daniel Bell, sociologist wrote a booked titled The End of Ideology arguing that the material benefits of modern capitalism had been so widely shared that, the nation had solved all the major economic issues between classes or groups of people. Therefore, suggesting for a reemergence of a free market enterprise. Ultimately meaning, the government had done its job and can go away until needed. By the 1980s, the neoliberal ideology had fully revived itself, especially with Milton Friedman, free-market economist serving as an advisor to president Reagan. It is hard to fathom, how the neoliberalism can thrive when there is empirical and historical data showing that the government’s involvement in the economy creates a sustainable and stable market environment. As public expenditure increases it serves as spending money for the people and businesses within the economy. As long as neoliberalism remai ns the dominant ideology in the U.S. income inequality will only continue increase. Therefore, it serves as a threat to the bottom middle-class and lower-class citizens of society.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Research propsal - Operation Managerment (TQM) Essay

Research propsal - Operation Managerment (TQM) - Essay Example The study shows that though economies of scale, access to technology and sales operations channels remain significant factors to the advantage of big companies, they remain vulnerable to price wars and product switching schemes initiated by smaller players in the industry. The conclusion is that companies need to focus globally competitive strategies while remaining local in approach to consumers. According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) (2004), the retail and consumer industry is one of the industries exhibiting one of the highest growths today. Though the UNCTAD subsequently report reduced the expected growth rate projections in 2006, the industry remains to be an attractive industry (Awbi, 2006a; Tesco expands in Japan, backtracks on China, 2006). As early as 2001, analysts have already predicted a developing price war among UK's supermarkets due to jockeying in the UK for market position as a platform of expansion (UK 'poised for supermarket wars'). Another important factor contributing to the competition in industry has been due to the entrants of small and big players into the industry which included the vigorous expansion of Wal-Mart in the UK (Schrage, 2005) However, indicators from the second half ... ed growth rate projections in 2006, the industry remains to be an attractive industry (Awbi, 2006a; Tesco expands in Japan, backtracks on China, 2006). Research Rationale As early as 2001, analysts have already predicted a developing price war among UK's supermarkets due to jockeying in the UK for market position as a platform of expansion (UK 'poised for supermarket wars'). Another important factor contributing to the competition in industry has been due to the entrants of small and big players into the industry which included the vigorous expansion of Wal-Mart in the UK (Schrage, 2005) However, indicators from the second half of 2006 have indicated that earlier projections in 2004 may still be achievable due to market growth in Europe (Awbi, 2006b). The UK supermarket industry has is critical in establishing market presence in the European Union (EU) and this is the motivation behind most companies in the industry vying for position in the local supermarket industry. This highlights the importance of developing TQM strategies that secure a retailer's position in the supermarket industry (Easterby - Smith et al, 2001). Objectives At the end of the study, the research aims to be able to enumerate the key TQM strategy elements that companies need to be competitive in the UK supermarket industry. The study will be able to identify key industrial characteristics that drive the market's movement as well consumer motivations and expectations. The study will provide insights on the dynamics of the UK supermarket industry as it continues to grow in significance globally. The study does not aim to prescribe the strategy to be taken but rather highlights what TQM programs are being utilized in the industry and their value in the formulation of individual companies'

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Employment laws Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Employment laws - Research Paper Example Some of the labor laws associated with health care establishments are covered by the Federal laws, while many other legal rules and provisions come within the scope of State laws. Many states, including North Carolina have passed laws pertaining to individual rights, employment and healthcare (North Carolina Department of Labor, 2012). Some of the health care employment provisions covered by the State laws include hours and wages, certifications and registration, child care laws, professional licensing, health insurance and employment associated training for health care professionals (North Carolina Department of Labor, 2012). All health care workers with specialized training and skills, including doctors, technicians and nurses are mostly covered by the Federal and State labor laws. Some of the states like Wisconsin have gone one step forward to enact laws that safeguard the health care professionals from retaliation in case they turn out to be whistle blowers regarding any violatio n of standards or ethics in a health care institution. In addition to the Federal and State provisions, there are many counties and municipalities that have passed laws covering wages, work hours, safety standards and employee-employer rights. In that context, it will be really interesting to delve on some of the salient labor laws that a VP of Human Resource in a health care establishment needs to be conversant with. This endeavor will primarily involve the labor laws coming within the scope of Federal and State jurisdiction. The Fair Labor Standards Act pertaining to wages and hours sets up the standards for wages and overtime pay that are to be subscribed by varied public and private healthcare organizations (United States Department of Labor, 2012). It is the Wage and Hour Division which is primarily accountable to manage the provisions of this act. This law tends to govern the minimum wages and the overtime wages paid to the workers

Monday, August 26, 2019

Expectations regarding the role of women by their families in India Essay

Expectations regarding the role of women by their families in India - Essay Example Women in India are expected to depend upon men in almost every matter of life. Although roaming about of women on their own is considered a sign of modernity and perceived as self-confidence on the part of the women, yet it is translated negatively when it comes to considering such independent women for marriage. One of the families searching for a bride for their son expressed their perception about such independent women in these words, â€Å"A girl who ‘roams about’ the city by herself is not the girl for our family† (Nanda 429). In order for the married couple to live a prosperous life, it is considered imperative that the bride is below the groom in a variety of matters that include but are not limited to height, education, and professional status. Although the people of India are generally very optimistic about getting their daughters educated especially in the contemporary age, yet when it comes to marriage, too much education is a demerit rather than a mer it because the boys on average themselves are not very highly educated. The Indian society has established family as the first and the foremost priority for women and everything else including profession falls secondary to it. Girls are expected to have their marriage arranged by their parents rather than searching for their husbands themselves.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Q3-4-5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Q3-4-5 - Essay Example Industry partnerships also come in shape when organizations are socially robust, having a strong backbone of top executives with respect to size, presence and connections (Kathleen M. Eisenhardt & Claudia Bird Schoonhoven, 1996). To be specific, there are three major aspects of partnerships: foundation, formation, and structural preferences. The ‘foundation’ for partnership implies to the likelihood of organizations to add value to the overall business by their shared resources. When we say ‘formations’, it refers to properties such as limitation of convenience and commutability. By structural preferences we mean the types of ventures, which can be equity joint ventures, minority equity alliances, bilateral contract-based alliances, and unilateral contract-based alliances (T. K. Das & Bing-Sheng Teng, 2000). Strategic business partnerships enable organizations to achieve competitive advantage through access to shared resources. These shared resources may be based on potential markets, technology, capital, or human resources. As organizations have to input less individually, their goals are more focused thus leading to improved performance. Partnering organizations share their limited resources and business responsibilities as per the availability and expertise to expedite the process. It’s best to focus one’s resources on what they do the best and partner for the rest. Mostly those companies agree to work together which have same goal but lack in certain areas, let it be budgets, human resources, or technical expertise yet having same set of goals or share same purpose of existence. A research company Trendsetter Barometer, PWC states that â€Å"nearly 2/3 of fast-growing companies are involves in strategic alliances. In average, each fast-growing company is engaged in 5 different types of strategic alliances may it be related to joint marketing & promotion, joint selling or distribution, technology licenses,

Single Teenage mom with newborn Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Single Teenage mom with newborn - Case Study Example Character Name Age (years) Marital status Father Vinod 53 Married Mother Sushma 49 Married Eldest daughter Swarthi 25 Married Swarthi’s husband Mukesh 30 Married Eldest son Raja 24 Married Raja’s wife Sheela 20 Married Son Sidhart 22 Single Son Kali 20 Single Daughter Sohni 19 Single Daughter Minakshi 15 Single Daughter Bhoomika 13 Single Swarthi’s son Rahul 1 Raja’s daughter Meera 3 Minakshi’s dance tutor Bob 31 Married Of the four daughters, three are unmarried and are in their teenage. Minakshi has recently been found to have acquired a pregnancy. She is only 15 years of age, and is quite disobedient towards her parents. Few days before their shocking discovery, Minakshi’s parents were thinking about moving back to India just because of her. They thought that they would be in a position to better exercise their rights over their daughter in India than in Las Vegas. It is important to mention here that Vinod and Sushma took the decision of migrating to America in the first place because of Sushma. Sushma was gifted by nature with a very beautiful face and body. Although she was not very fair by the complexion, yet her features were extremely beautiful and adorable. Sushma had large and lustrous eyes, and the length of hair was up to the hips. She managed her hair well and tied them into a ponytail which added to her beauty. She was quite tall for her age, and was slim and smart by figure. She danced very well. Her teachers in India encouraged Minakshi’s parents to take her abroad to gain proper education in dance and build her career in this field. Since the time that they had migrated to Las Vegas in 2006, they started to loose control over Minakshi. In the Western culture with increased power in the hands of juveniles and where individualism prevails at large in the society, Minakshi felt free of the dominance of her parents that prevails in the Indian society. She remained out of the home till late night wit hout the permission of her parents, and would not listen to them as they advised her to get back straight to home after the dance class in the evening. At she turned 14, she developed a relationship at a physical level with her dance tutor, Bob who was a Christian and a native of Las Vegas. Bob got married to a Christian girl in 2000 and fathered 3 daughters. Diagnosis of Pregnancy: Minakshi’s parents did not realize that their 14 year old daughter was in a physical relationship with her tutor for the whole year until by the mid of January, 2011, they found out that Minakshi was pregnant. It so happened that one day, Minakshi felt very dizzy and was frequently vomiting. Initially, Sushma thought her daughter might have taken some wrong medication for the treatment of sore throat. But Minakshi’s frequent vomiting caused Sushma to consult the doctor without wasting any time. The doctor took the sample of urine, and after a brief physical examination, the doctor diagnosed that Minakshi was expecting. Family’s Reaction and Immediate Consequences: The news was extremely shocking and traumatizing for each and every member of the family. To hear the news of her 15 year old daughter’s pregnancy, Sushma lost balance and fainted right on the spot in the clinic. She was immediately given treatment and within a matter of minutes, she regained senses. The news was so shocking for her that she could not speak. She tried to speak out but could only manage to murmur. Minakshi remained silent all this while and did not know what to do. Minakshi and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

International Marketing Activities of Marks & Spencer Company Essay

International Marketing Activities of Marks & Spencer Company - Essay Example The researcher states that Marks and Spencer offer a variety of products and services to its customers. Although the majorly the turnover generated is from Clothing and Food. 1. Clothing: M&S offers to clothe for Men, Women, Children, and lingerie. 2. Home: the company now also offers furniture and home decoration items online and in store. 3. Financials: M&S money which is Marks and Spencer’s initiative in providing loyalty card/credit card and various other services like insurance and personal loans. 4. Food and Wine: M&S offers a large variety of food items such as wedding cakes, large wine collection, and prepared food. 5. Technology: Mark and Spencer offer electronic gadgets, computing devices, and home appliances. 6. Online Services: With M&S you can send flowers and Gifts to people with their online service. The marketing Environment is comprised of 2 parts which are the Microenvironment and the Microenvironment. The marketing microenvironment of a company is based on p rinciple actors like the company, Suppliers, Marketing intermediaries, customers, competitors, and the public. Company: The Company’s corporate objectives are mainly defined by its Mission, Vision, and Values. Mission- To make Aspirational quality accessible to all Vision – To be the standard against all others are measured Values – Quality, Values, Service, Innovation and Trust Objective – To increase shareholder value and profit margin while maintaining customer satisfaction. The company also focuses on the issue of corporate social responsibility (CSR) by coming up with various policies regarding concerns for the environment and charity which are included in their scheme called Plan A. This basically shows that the company’s aim and goals are clear and therefore it bases its marketing based on them.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Business Article review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Article review - Essay Example The Department of Labor reported that unit labor costs increased by 1.4% while inflation-adjusted compensation rose to only 0.4 %. The higher rate of increases in productivity relative to the mount in hourly wage indicates that "companies are still able to keep a significant share of productivity gains for themselves and their investors." An implication of this is that companies are able to keep a larger share of their revenue as gross profits which can dampen the possibility of inflation as they allow companies to absorb more costs. However, the article also recognized that as companies have strong pricing power, they are hesitant in absorbing higher input costs but are inclined to pass these costs to consumers. The decline in the number of unemployed is indicative of a strong job market (Whitehouse). The article revealed the interrelation of different macroeconomic variables in the society as well as showed how the economic climate affects the position and decision making of business entities. The concepts such as inflation, productivity, and employment levels which are presently tackled in the class and their relationships are more elucidated and understood in the business article. Theoretically, labor productivity and wages are closely li

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Digital and Film Photography at a Glance in the 21st Century Essay Example for Free

Digital and Film Photography at a Glance in the 21st Century Essay There is a growing debate in the world of photography today. We no longer live in the days of dark rooms, messy chemicals, and rolls of film. Technology has expanded our horizons of what we view as photography today. The growing debate is focused between two separate groups: the traditionalists, and those that subscribe to progression. Digital Photography versus film is at its peak of controversy. There are those that want to continue the time honored tradition and artistic integrity of film photography, and yet a growing group of artists that embrace the future and technology with digital photography. I, personally, can relate to both sides of the argument, and mean to provide a unbiased view of each. By establishing both the positive and negative attributes of film and digital photography, the ultimate decision is up to the reader to choose where their alliance lays. The tried and true method of film photography still carries many benefits. The overall photo quality is still best when using film. This is especially true when it comes to larger sized, up to and including wall-sized prints. This all breaks down to the photo’s resolution. Resolution can be altered with film in the development process. A standard resolution for 35mm films is 24 megapixels. A megapixel refers to one million pixels, but this can be altered and scanned to higher resolutions with high-grained film. Film cameras are also beneficial to the wallet. A high definition film camera is still much cheaper than its digital analog. Film cameras are also less likely to depreciate, because of market standards and the lack of new film technology, film cameras seem to keep, or grow in value. A camera that utilizes film also expands the photographer’s repertoire of tools such as lenses, filters, time lapses, and overexposure. (Unknown) ] Digital photography is not without its own advantages. When using a digital camera the great advantage is that you have an LCD screen, and can assess framing and focus. Digital cameras additionally provide a â€Å"histogram† display that guarantee you a much higher percentage of well exposed. This is a great help when shooting. No longer are the days when you have to develop your images before reviewing them. You are able, through the use of a digital camera, to see the final image immediately after it is shot. These images are then stored on an electronic storage device mmediately that actually require much less care than negative film. The ability to have a finished image in such short time cuts down on the cost and time of developing each individual image. [ (Maercado) ] Though the cost of a film camera is cheaper in comparison to its digital neighbor, the cost is vastly outweighed by the necessary funds needed to develop film. Access to a darkroom, and chemicals necessary in development of film, make this a hefty downside to its use. This is especially true when dealing with the fact that every image must be developed first before its final product is seen. This can penetrate quite deeply monetarily. A darkroom, and the constant replenishment of chemicals, can cost upwards of hundreds of dollars. This does not include starting costs of building the darkroom. Film negatives can also degrade over time if they are not properly stored, making long-term access to film images erratic. [ (10Ap) ] Digital photography is not without its own drawbacks. Given the ever expanding and continuous progression of the digital market, a camera can become obsolete almost immediately after purchase. This is not even mentioning that the cost of a digital camera with the same quality found in a film camera can cost almost double. This initial cost may also include the necessary software needed to editing and development of images. Most of the software needed is complicated and can be only purchased at a hefty sum. Staying ahead of market trends, and technology as a whole, depends upon an ever increasing need to be technologically savvy. Though you not only have to be knowledgeable in photography, you must also have an increased knowledge of computers, and technological advancement. The software, as with the cameras themselves, advances at rapid speed. This means that one must be constantly learning, and re-evaluating their education. (King and Timacheff) ] The pro’s and con’s of the two different aspects of photography seem to be pretty evenly weighed. The ultimate decision between the two mediums is really left up to the artists themselves. It seems to be a matter of taste over substance. Each have costs attributing to negative outcomes, but have positive results either way. Resolution, image quality, and upkeep can be circumvented with either digital or film. What sets a photographer apart from their peers is the artistic eye, and the ability to find and capture beauty with whatever is at hand. References vs Film.htm

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Importance Of Stretching Before Exercise Physical Education Essay

Importance Of Stretching Before Exercise Physical Education Essay Stretching before participation in athletic activities is typical practice for all levels of sports, competitive or recreational. Athletes, coaches, trainers, physiotherapists, and physicians recommend stretching in an effort to both prevent injury and enhance performance. Several papers have been published which has produced a significant body of evidence that stretching may not be the way to improve performance and decrease risk of injury. Recent research demonstrates that stretching prior to physical activity decreases performance. However, these stretching bouts are not representative of athletes during warm up procedures, as they are usually time consuming. The aim of the this study is to examine whether the duration of acute static stretching is responsible for losses in sprint times compared to increased/decreased flexibility.   Research has shown the reduction of peak flow force when using static stretching but research has also shown the reduction of injury and the improve ment of flexibility in the long term which also assists in sprinting performance. Research in this area has sometimes been vague involving the time of the static stretched used. Bandy (1997) used 57 subjects from the age of 21 to 37 years old, 40 of these being male and 17 female with all participants having limited hamstring flexibility. These participants were randomly assigned to four groups. Three groups stretched 5 days per week for 15, 30, and 60 seconds, Group four served as a control group, and did not stretch. The test was ran over a six week period. The results showed that holding a stretch for 30 seconds was optimal as it had a greater effect on range of motion than the 15 seconds and control group and the same effect as the 60 seconds. Bandy (1997) concluded that because there was little difference between no stretching and 15 seconds coaches and athletes must raise the question of the effectivness of static stretching for periods less than 30 seconds. Although this study supports its hypothesis it is very specific to the hamstring and lower body. Muscle such as the gasrtocnemuis may show different results due to the higher percentage of fast twi tch muscle fibres which performs larger, more powerful movements REF. The study did not show the acute effects of static stretching so we cannot assume these results would or would not enhance range of motion/flexibility gains prior to any sporting events. Also this study is excessively narrow in subject focus and as all participants had limited amount of range of flexibility within the hamstring, with a higher majority of subjects being men. Therefore this makes the results only valid to this population. Due to the length of the study and the uncontrolled environment I would have to question the suitability of the research design and the effectiveness of the data collection. The subjects were only tested once after the six week period, therefore subjects were subjected to outside environmental factors during the six weeks which may have affected results. Testing and monitoring constantly throughout the six weeks would improve the reliability of this study. A more controlled study was done by Shirer (2005). This study focused on muscle performance rather than flexibility. He conducted a study using males from a university population who were pre and post tested for isometric force and surface electromyography activity. (Shirer 2005 pg 22) tests were performed on only lower limb muscles, range of motion in seated hip flexion, prone hip extension, ankle planter and dorsi flexion, no-counter movement jump height, and ground contact time. Male participants were tested 30, 60, 90, and one120 seconds after static stretching. The group partake in an 18 minute static stretch routine for the lower body (hamstrings, quadriceps, and planter flexors). 45 seconds was the protocol stretch time used for each muscle group and was repeated four times with a 15 second break in-between. Shirier (2005) found differences in the acute (just before exercise) and regular stretching (over a period of time). Results stated that there was no significant benefit o f acute stretching on isometric force production, isokinetic torque, or jumping height. In addition, (Shirer 2005 pg 25) concluded by saying that regular stretching after exercise may improve strength, jump height, and running speed. As a result these findings imply that acute stretching before exercise had no positive effects on strength and power while regular stretching after training or competition improved strength and speed. Results did not relate to the acute effects of static stretching but only the acute effects of isometric force. Again this study provides significant evidence for the effects of stretching on performance, however the time frame used for the stretches in this study was 45 seconds and 30 seconds has been proven in the previous study to be the optimal time. This extended period of time could therefore affect the force production and therefore the results. A similar study by Fowles (2000) that supports Shirer (2005) body of evidence showed the effect of stretching on muscular strength over time. (Fowles 2000 pg 1179) Subjects performed 13 stretches of the plantar flexors, holding each stretch for 135 seconds during a time frame of 33 minutes. Maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) was assessed 6 times during the ensuing 60 minutes. Fowles (2000) concluded that an intense extended stretch (of the plantar flexors) reduces MVIC for up to 1 hour after stretching. Although this evidence supports that of Shirier (2005) it is not relevant to sports performance as proven by Bandy (1997) the time for both holding the stretch and time spent on stretching is too long and therefore is not specific to sports performance and is not relevant. A more sport specific study was done by (Sayers AL 2008) who performed a study using 20 female football players to determine which phase of the 30 meter sprint (acceleration and or maximum velocity) was affected by performance static stretching. Participants were assigned at random to either a stretch or no stretch condition on two non-consecutive days. The athletes in the no-stretch condition completed a standard warm-up protocol and then performed three 30-m sprints, with a 2-minute rest interval between. The athletes in the stretch condition performed the standard warm-up protocol, completed a stretching routine of the lower limbs which included calf, quadriceps, and hamstrings and then without delay performed three 30-m sprints, also with a 2-minute rest between each sprint. The groups would then reverse the next day, and indistinguishable procedures were followed. A considerable statistical difference in acceleration maximal-velocity sprint time, and overall sprint time between the stretch and no-stretch conditions was seen. (Sayers AL 2008 pg 1420) concluded by stating that static stretching before sprinting resulted in slower times in all three performance variables. Although this study proves that static stretching diminishes spitting performance it does not state the time held with the stretches. Again this study is gender specific and as studies has proven significant differences between male and females relating in flexibility and spots performance we cannot assume these results are relevant for both genders. Favero (2009) took this further by relating flexibility to performance investigating the effect of stretching on sprint performance and baseline flexibility. 10 trained male subjects (age 22 to 23 yrs) were randomly designated to Rest and Stretch conditions. (Favero 2009 pg 52) A low intensity 5 min running warm-up procedure was followed by either 12 min of inactivity (Rest) or lower-limb stretches. No statistically significant difference in measures of sprint performance between conditions were seen, however there was a significant correlation between baseline sit-and-reach scores and mean change in mean velocity between conditions. There was an preference for stretching to a harmful affect on sprint performance in subjects with moderately high baseline flexibility. (Favero 2009 pg 54) concluded by saying an acute bout of stretching does not exert a significant effect on sprint performance under prescribed conditions. This research therefore disputes previous studies which state tha t stretching effects sprinting performance. Unlike the previous studies Favero (2009) compared the difference in flexibility compared to the sprinting performance, therefore making the results specific, reliable and valid. Unfortunately there is a lack of evidence and current data to support this conclusion. Kistler (2008) conducted a similar study to see what would happen to these performance effects at longer distances such as those seen in competition.(Kistler 2008 pg. 2281) This study investigated the effects of passive static stretching vs no stretching on the 60- and 100-m sprint performance of college track athletes after a dynamic warm-up. Results discovered a considerable slowing in performance with static stretching in the second 20 (20-40) m of the sprint trials. Following the first 40 m, static stretching exhibited no added affect on performance in a 100-m sprint. However, even tho there was no further time loss, athletes never retrieved back the time that was initially lost in the first section of the trials. Therefore, in strict terms of sporting performance, it is probable that including static stretching will have a diminishing affect of sprinting performance up to 100 meters. (Kistler 2008 pg. 2283) went on to say that the study found no additional inhibition during the final 60 m of a 100-m dash, therefore it is possible that performance in even longer events could actually benefit from static stretching. This study supports that of previous literature and supplies solid evidence to propose that static stretching has an effect on sprinting performance at short distances; however many athletes use stretching as a method of injury prevention and increase range in motion, and this study does not provide any information about the effectiveness of static stretching in this regard. Summary All but 1 study found that an acute bout of stretching diminished performance tests of sprinting, or jumping performance Even though most studies used a randomised cross-over design some studies used a pre-post design. Results were in general constant across designs. Static stretching was used in most of the studies, even tho there are many other appropriate methods used to stretch. Affects were however was observed with other forms of stretching as well. The review showed body of evidence suggesting that these affects were consistent across different types of stretching for isometric force, isokinetic torque, and jump height. Even though different types of stretching in running produced incompatible results, the main methodological difference was the duration of stretch, which was inconsistent and had no explanation for the use of the time used. As a result it was found that longer stretch produced worse results. In relation there was limited research on acute effects after stretching in relation to range of motion and flexibility. A huge variable to consider was the subject population as most studies found similar results across age, gender and level of athletic ability. This may suggests the results are due to fundamental physiological adaptations that occur in the muscle, a hypothesis that is supported by the critical science evidence on stretch-induced muscle damage and stretch-induced hypertrophy (Morgan 1999). Possible improvements in performance may be at the expense of an increased risk of injury. Therefore the advantages and disadvantages of stretching need to be considered for individual athletes, together with but not partial to competition level, competition timing (e.g., early or late in the season). Although different forms of performance were tested in these studies, including isokinetic, isometric force, jump height, jump velocity, acceleration, and sprint speed, these do not account for all aspects of performance. In addition, stretching may be a method of relaxation for athletes, and may possi bly affect performance. If this were a method to improve performance, then stretching should be compared with other methods of relaxation for quantifiable effectiveness. In summary, the literature suggest that for athletes who take part in sports that require power, strength, and explosive movements need to consider that static stretching before activity may cause a short-term decline in sprinting performance. Conversely, frequent stretching will advance the results for all activities. This is comparable to the fact that stretching directly prior to exercise does not diminish the possibility of injury, nevertheless regular stretching may reduce the risk of injury. Therefore, athletes should stretch after exercise, or at a time not associated to exercise. Further research is necessary to ascertain both the degree of pre-stretching necessary to cause a damaging effect, and the time-course between the preservation of the increased range of motion and the prolongation of the capacity to generate maximal power. Methodology The focus of this study was to test the length of time taken with a stretch and compare this to the performance of both sprinting and flexibility. 30 male participants were recruited from Cheddar Football club. Subjects were required to read and complete a health questionnaire and sign an informed consent document. The appropriate institutional ethics committee approved the study. The participants were not informed of the results until the study was completed. A convenience sample was used as a high volume of participants were readily available and allowed basic data and trends to be obtained without the complications of using a randomised sample. All participants regular play football and are subjected to sprinting. This makes my sample specific and relative to athletic performance where as an ideal sample results may differ due to gender, age, and athletic ability differences. A secondary observer was used to record the results and help time the pre stretches. This ensured subject were monitored, and therefore helped ensure the test procedure was followed correctly. The 30 males partaked in both a pre sit and reach flexibilit y test and a 40 meter sprint. Participants were subjected to a 5 min protocol warm up prior to the pre test comprising of jogging 400 m, forward skips 2 x 60 m, side steps 4 x 20 m, backwards skips 2 x 60 m. Participants only had 1 attempt at each of the pre test. To minimise variation in climatic conditions, all sprints were performed on an indoor track using running trainers. The sprints were initiated from a standard stationary split stance with the dominant foot to the front and foot behind the starting line, with no rocking movements and were timed with (Omoron electronic timing gates). Timing gates were used to ensure the most accurate readings as the difference in times will be minimal, therefore this will ensure there is no room for human error, therefore making the results more reliable. The time would start as soon as the participant travels through the first beam and then would stop when the participant travels through the beam 40 meters from the starting line. To control for error, the laser beam was positioned so the height above the ground approximated the height of the runners waist. The sit and reach test was then performed 2 minutes after the 40 meter sprint. A modified sit and reach test was used to control for the variable lengths of peoples arms and legs, which is a limitation of the standard test. The equipment was set up that, the zero mark is adjusted for each individual, based on their sitting reach level. This ensured that the result would be a positive number which is necessary for a statistical analysis. An (Acuflex) modified flexibility sit and reach test box was used to record the test. Procedure Three different stretch protocols were used, with each protocol being performed on a different day. Group 1 would hold the stretch for 30 seconds, group 2 for 15 seconds and group 3 would stretch for 5 seconds. All groups were given the same protocol warm up as the pre test. The stretching activities were ones that the athletes normally used in their daily warm-up rituals. All groups then stretch their hamstrings, quadriceps, and gastrconemuis for their given times. For each activity, the range of motion was increased until the person acknowledged a stretch-induced discomfort similar to that normally felt during their daily stretching activities. At this point, the stretch was maintained for their given times. The first stretch was a hamstring stretch. The subjects laid down in a supine position on the floor with a leg extended. The opposing leg was flexed at the patella at 90 degrees and hip 45 degrees, with the sole of the foot planted tightly on the floor. From this pose, the extended leg was raised to an upright position. The second was a quadriceps stretch. The participant adopted a vertical position, standing on one leg with the other leg flexed with the heel pulled close to the glutes with the help of the hand. The last stretch was the glastocnemius. The participant adopted a split stance shoulder width apart with the front leg slightly bent. The body weight is transferred forward whilst keeping the heel of the back foot on the ground. All stretches were performed in the order mentioned above, in accordance of a 30 second rest interval dividing each different stretch. Once this sequence of stretches was finished, the leg was rested for a further 30 seconds and then the sequence was repeated until all muscles were equally stretched 3 times. One full cycle of stretches on one leg was performed before changing legs. Following the stretching regime, the athletes were told to relax for 3 minutes before beginning the 40 meter sprints. The modified sit and reach test followed the 40 meter sprint. The test involved sitting on the floor with legs stretched out straight ahead. Footwear was removed. The soles of the feet were placed flat against the box. Both knees were locked and pressed to the floor with the palms facing downwards, and the hands on top of each other or side by side, the subject then reached forward along the measuring line as far as possible. The hands had to remain at the same level, not one reaching further forward than the other. The subject then reaches out and holds that position for two seconds while the distance is recorded.  Groups repeated the test 1week later changing the time of the stretch. 1 week wash out time was given to ensure significant time to recover. This was again repeated the following week with the groups changing the times once again. I have used repeated measure as it ensured the experiment was more efficient and helped keep the variability low. This therefore helped to ke ep the validity of the results higher, while still allowing for smaller than usual subject groups. It also allowed the experiments to be completed more quickly, as only a few groups need to be used to complete the entire experiment. It is important to make sure the experiment is completed quickly as changes in participants may occur due to practice effects. The two pre- and two post-sprint times were averaged. Data was analysed using qualitative measures. The reliability of the 40 meter times for each stretch condition was calculated using an intraclass correlation coefficient on pre test measures. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures was used to compare the times for each stretch condition. I have used this method of testing as it will reduce the likelihood of a false positive (type 1 error). For this reason using the ANOVA will help me compare three means. In addition to the above analysis on the average 40 m sprint times, a post-hoc analysis was done on the best time for each trial. I have used these methods of testing as they have been used in many of the reviewed literature. Therefore I know these methods are applicable and will therefore allow me to easily compare my results to previous literature. To prove my hypothesis, I have used a common alpha value of 0.05 (5%). Parametric (anova) or non Parametric

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Gladiators Roman General Maximus History Essay

Gladiators Roman General Maximus History Essay The movie Gladiator begins with the Roman General Maximus leading the Roman army to victory against the German barbarian tribes, ending a perpetuate war. The victory won of this battle ends with Maximus earning the esteem of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius. As the battle ends, the Emperors son Commodus and daughter Lucilla arrive from Rome. The emperor Marcus Aurelius is dying and his last wish are to give power back to the people of Rome and end the corruption that cripples it. This is the reason why Aurelius decides to appoint leadership to Maximus, with the desire that Maximus will return power to the Senate and revive the Republic. Aurelius tells Maximus that he has not been corrupted by the politics, were as Commodus is not a moral man and he must not rule. Maximus is the son that Aurelius wished he had and he favours him over his son Commodus, this formulates Commodus jealousy and rage. Maximus expresses that his greatest desire is to return home to his family and that he is unsure to accept Aurelius wish to be the protector of Rome. Maximus returns to his tent and asks the gods for guidance and to watch over his family with a ready sword. Aurelius then informs Commodus of his decision to leave Rome in the hands of Maximus. This infuriates Commodus with envy, betrayal and rage and he murders his father. Commodus then declares himself emperor and asks Maximus for his loyalty, Maximus realizes that Commodus is responsible for the emperors death and he refuses. Commodus orders Maximus to be executed and demands the guards to murder his wife and son. Maximus escapes by killing the guards and he quickly races home only to discover that his wife and son have been cruelly slaughtered. After Maximus buries his wife and son, he grieves succumbing to exhaustion and collapses on their graves. Slave traders find Maximus and take him to a Roman province in North Africa. There he is purchased by Proximo, the head of a gladiator school and former gladiator. Maximus is tormented over the death of his family and the betrayal by h is empire, he refuses to fight, but as he defends himself his impressive combat skills are awe leading to a rise in popularity with the audience and gaining respect among the other fighters. Maximus becomes known as the Spaniard as he trains and fights, he becomes friends with Juba (hunter) and Hagen. Maximus and Juba develop a potent friendship, both inject each other with courage to which face death bravely. Juba proclaims that Maximus will meet his family again in the afterlife; this fills Maximus with hope and valiance. In Rome, Commodus has reintegrated the gladiatorial games to commemorate his fathers death and gain favour of the people of Rome. In a recreation of the Battle of Carthage at the Colosseum, Maximus leads the gladiators to an incisive victory in an appearance of Hannibals forces against a more powerful force of Scipio Africanus legions. Maximus victory causes the crowd to cheer with amazement over his clever and unique battle tactics. Maximus hides his identity through a helmet that had a face guard. Commodus demanded that he must meet this gladiator, the crowds echoes and cheers surrounded the Colossuem and the Emperor descended to the arena, Commodus asked the Spaniard for his name and Maximus responded with an act of defiance. This act stunned and provoked Commodus with anxiety, he angrily instructed Maximus to reveal his identity. Maximus wrathfully turned to face his enemy and proclaimed in a clear and proud voice My name is Maximus, a loyal servant to the true Emperor, Marcus A urelius. The crowd froze silent as Maximus vowed revenge for the murder of his family. Commodus was stunned to discover that Maximus was still alive after he commanded his death. Commodus humiliated left the arena after the crowd roared for the approval to spare his life. The crowd chanted Maximus name vigorously, this act showed that Maximus, a slave had become more powerful than the Emperor of Rome. Lucilla was grateful to see Maximus alive and arranged a to secretly meet him. That night, Lucilla meet with Maximus expressed that she feared for the life of her son and that she has an allied in the Senate who wants to see Commodus overthrown. Maximus denied Lucillas help and proclaimed that the man she once knew was gone. The games continued celebrating the 64th day, Commodus had a surprise arrange for the crowd and for Maximus. Commodus had arranged Maximus death against Tigris of Gaul, Romes only undefeated gladiator. The crowd cheered with excitement as they desperately thirsted for death. Suddenly, Maximus confidently appeared from his gate carrying only a small sword and a shield. Four chained tigers came out from a door and now Maximus had five enemies to fight and he desperately looked for a weak point. The intense battle between these two strong and fast gladiators ended with Maximus defeating Tigris. Maximus turned to Commodus and awaited his decision to kill or spare Tigris. Commodus approved for Maximus to kill Tigris, but Maximus spared Tigris, therefore insulting the Emperor and gaining the audience approval. The audience chanted and cheered Maximus, and bestowing him with the title Maximus the Merciful. Commodus was infuriated by the fact that he is unable to kill Maximus and stop his po pularity from soaring. Cicero, Maximus servant meets him and proclaimed that his army was camped at Ostia, and that his army remains loyal to him. Maximus agreed to meet Lucillas politician (Senator Gracchus) and they plotted a plan to reunite him with his army and overthrow Commodus. Commodus suspected of his sisters betrayal, secret and lie; he therefore threaten her son Lucuis life, in order to force her to reveal her plan on helping Maximus. The Praetorian guards immediately stormed to obstruct Maximus plan, while the gladiators fought, this caused a distraction and helped Maximus escaped. During the raid, Proximo was killed and Juba and the other gladiators were imprisoned. Maximus escaped the city walls only to witness Cicero being slain and he is captured to be turn over to Commodus. Maximus was restrained and chained under the floor of the Colosseum arena. Commodus came in smiling and snickering proclaiming that Maximus was the general who became a slave, the slave who became a gladiator and the gladiator who defied an Empire. Commodus explained that this was a good story and that the people want to know how it ends; only a great death will be good enough. Commodus explained that what could be better than to fight the Emperor himself. Maximus is man that knows no fear and was not threaten by Commodus assimilations. Commodus reached out to hug Maximus as a brother, and suddenly Maximus let out a cry of pain. Commodus had a small knife in his hand and had wounded Maximus in the side, cutting him deeply. This was a cowardly action that Commodus had performed because he knew that Maximus was prominent to excel him in combat. All eyes were focused in the Colosseum as they watched Commodus and Maximus enter. Maximus was weak and he fought on instinct as he struck Commodus, as he dropped his sword he order Quintis for another sword, but he order the guards not to assist him. Maximus finding the strength and power killed Commodus; the crowd fell silent and watched Maximus slowly dying. Maximus fell in a deep trance and began to see visions, he saw his own hand on the gate, pushing it open and reuniting with his wife and son as they smiled at him. He ordered for Quintis to release the gladiators and Senator Gracchus, he then collapsed onto the bloody sand, Lucilla quickly ran to help him, there dying laid the protector Rome in her arms. Maximus reassured Lucilla that Lucius was safe; she gave Maximus a warm and gentle smiled and whispered to him Go to them. Youre home, Maximus then died. Lucilla reminded everyone that Maximus was a soldier of Rome and that his memory should be honoured. Senator Gracchus and the gladiators carried his body silently and proud out of the Colosseum. The Colossuem was empty and silent as Juba walked across the bloody sand; he was a free man again. He buried Maximus small wooden figures of his wife and son on the sand that carried is blood. Juba proclaimed that he would meet Maximus again but not yet. Historical Analysis in the film Gladiator In the film Gladiator weapons, military strategies, government structure and the spectacle of the gladiatorial games are some of the historical components the film analyses. Weapons/Military Strategy: The Roman army, like the armies of the Greek, was a citizen militia (Colliers, 1995, pg.682). This perspective is seen in the movie Gladiator because Maximus was a farmer and he became know as Romes greatest general. The role of the Roman army during the Roman Republic and Empire led to military success and victory. The role of the Roman army played an important role in the movie, in the beginning of the movie when Maximus is leading the army against the German barbarian tribe this portrays tactical, unique and superior weapons that allowed and helped the army conquer and establish the height and power of the Roman Empire. The soldiers fought honourably for the glory of the Empire against the barbarian tribes and this war was the final stand in the way of Roman victory and the promise of peace throughout the Empire. The Romans organized a very similar tactic to the Greek phalanx, eventually this evolved and the Roman armies adopted a more maneuverable tactic that strengthen the armys advantage to conquer and attain success and military efficiency. The major unit of the Roman army was the legion, composed of ten cohorts. The legions produced a tactical flexibility and this was an advantage to the Romans ability to make the best use of ground. When preparing for battle, soldiers equipped with swords and spears would form protective ranks in front of cavalry and archers(Corbishley, 2004, pg.18). This preparation for the battle against the barbarians is portrayed when Maximus is speaking to Quintus about the catapults being out of range and that this is a danger to the cavalry. The heavy infantry tactics developed quickly, striking from the flanks, encircling enemy forces and using the policy of divide and conquer. The legion was known as the backbone of the Roman army creating a more flexible formation for their infantry. The Roman Empire advanced to conquer a vast empire and had a strong army with tactical battle techniques. Roman commanders planned their battles carefully, choosing a site that would make fighting difficult for the enemies, and waiting for the right time and weather to attack. To attack, Roman soldiers advanced in lines, holding their shields in front of them, then hurled their javelins. After this, they charged forward, striking with their swords(Macdonald, 2005,pg.19). This battle tactic is portrayed in the beginning of the movie when Maximus tells Quintus that it is not time to fight, this shows Maximus planning out the outcome of the battle. Government Structure/Politics: In the movie Gladiator government structure and politics are portrayed through the constant struggle between the Senate and the Emperor to gain power. Rome was founded as a Republic and in a Republic the senate has the power. Commodus did not share his fathers perspective that power should be given back to the people of Rome and end the corruption that cripples it. Commodus believes that for the health of Rome, the senate must be annihilated. Commodus believed that the Republic and the Senators scheme and deceive and therefore Rome must be saved from the politicians. Commodus idea of the Senate is what made Marcus Aurelius make Maximus the protector of Rome after he dies, Maximus had not been corrupted by the politics, Commodus is not a moral man and therefore he must not rule. The Senate is the people chosen from among the people to speak for the people; Commodus proclaimed that Rome did not need a Senate and that it takes an Emperor to rule an Empire. In order to gain the approval and admiration of the people of Rome Commodus used a tactical strategy of fear and wonder, this was a powerful combination. Commodus knows what Rome is, Rome is the mob as he conjures magic by reinstating the gladiatorial games, the people are distracted and have no idea of what Rome is going to become. As Senator Gracchus proclaimed the beating heart of Rome is not the marble of the Senate it is the sand of the Colosseum. This proclamation is important because Commodus will bring death and he will be loved for that. Commodus ambition is to make Rome the world of the ages and to overthrow the Senate. When the rules or constitution, of Roman government were first worked out, there was no word for emperor. They wanted a republican rule, which meant rule through elected officials (Corbishley, 2004, pg.36). The rule of an Emperor threatened the idea of democracy because not only did the Emperor have authority over the government but also the Emperor had the power to preside over and to control the Senate at his command. In the movie Senator Gracchus does not pretend to be a man of the people but rather a man for the people, this is the central idea of what the Senate represents. The senate initially is an aristocratic council, an advisory body to the Emperor of Rome; the senate was the power base during the Republic. The name of the Roman Republic under the power of the senate was SPQR; this signature is seen on Maximus arm and it is a symbol of the government and an insignia of the Roman legions. With a strong army behind a General they could be extremely political depicting a threat to the government. In the movie the revolution of threatening the government is seen when Maximus commands the loyalty of the army and this induces that Maximus a slave has become more powerful than the Emperor. Gladiators: The movie focuses on the idea of gladiators forced to fight to death to entertain the crowds. Gladiators were slaves, criminals or prisoners that fought each other or wild animals to amuse the bloodthirsty spectators. The Colosseum was the scene of public entertainment was the deliberate slaughter of human beings was used as a means of entertainment. Some gladiators were specifically trained at gladiator schools (Macdonald, 2005, pg.35). This is portrayed in the movie when Proximo is purchasing the slaves from the slave-seller and brought them to his gladiator school to learn how to fight. The successful gladiators became famous and attracted the crowds; Maximus became the most famous and admired gladiator. Maximus is the gladiator that defied an Empire to protect Rome. Proximo is paid signifying that he profits from the gladiators death. The rare man who survived the arena repeatedly demonstrated his strength and daring could win the wooden sword (rudius) from the Emperor, signifyin g his liberation (Colliers, 1995, pg. 129). This is portrayed in the movie when Proximo proclaims to Maximus that he wasnt the best because he killed quickly, he was the best because the crowd loved and admired him. If you win the crowd you win your freedom. Proximo won his freedom and the Emperor Marcus Aurelius presented him with a rudius (wooden sword), which is a symbol of freedom. Every victory Maximus had been an act of defiance to Commodus because Maximus had the power to amuse the mob and the mob is Rome.

Monday, August 19, 2019

My Philosophy of Education Essay -- Graduate College Admissions Essays

My Philosophy of Education My philosophy of education has evolved from working with students and different educational programs.   In order to have a philosophy on education, the term education should be defined.   Education is a process that involves reasoning and synthesizing new concepts and information.   Education does not take place in confined boundaries.   Education should be a continual growth process.   For the purposes of this essay, the primary focus will be on my philosophy of education within the framework of the school systems.   Throughout my experiences with education, I have developed a sense of the important purposes of education.   A holistic curriculum should be an important component of education.   Teachers should strive to integrate different subject areas into their area of expertise.   This provides students with a basis for creating a big picture perspective of their surroundings.   As a result, students will be better equipped to function in the interdependent world.   One of the basic purposes of education is the introduction of ideas and information ...

Flyboy, Inc :: essays research papers

Flyboy, Inc Flyboy, Inc which is successful manufacturer of aircrafts wants to expand its market to Pumonia.(a small oil rich kingdom that was once an Italian colony). The government would be the principal purchaser, along with some royalty private families. It is not possible for Flyboy to enter the marker without a local representative. Flyboy is aware that â€Å"grease payments† and lavish gifts to customer is Pamonia is customary. Before Flyboy can make any decisions in expanding to Pamonia, several aspects need to be carefully analyzed and planned out, to avoid future troubles and make a smooth transaction. Both the advantages and disadvantages of this transaction should be considered. Typically the advantages of effectively expanding abroad outweigh the disadvantages and therefore the advantages will only be boldly stated. More time will be spent in analyzing in more detail the minuses of this transaction and showing how these disadvantages can be overcome by Flyboy. The two major advantages of Flyboy moving into Pamonia include: The opportunity for Flyboy to expand its geographic scope of its marketing. And the local presence permits Flyboy to maintain the aircrafts sold abroad, which can lead to better customer service and translate in to customer loyalty and satisfaction. This by the same token crates an increase in revenue. On the other side of the coin- the disadvantages or not so attractive side of the transaction are the following: By setting up and hiring agents (dependent or independent) the company has subject itself to local laws and regulations. There are many different international laws that help out a firm when entering a new foreign market, but there are just as many new host country regulations that Flyboy should consider before making any critical decisions. An example of one of the regulations that Flyboy should consider, especially if it will be in charge of marketing, is the regulations for advertising abroad. Adverting regulations are established so the host country can make sure that the new company complies with regulation such as publishing the truth in advertising, the language used in the ads, and so they can have some control over the specific content. Flyboy should have very well planned marketing strategies and local marketing considerations. Since many of the advertising regulations abroad are not even a stated law, but rather an industry code observed by the local marketing organizations; the best thing any new foreign company should do is seek legal advice from local practitioners and fashion local advertising appropriately.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Symbols and Symbolism in The Catcher in the Rye :: Catcher Rye Essays

Symbolism in The Catcher in the Rye Throughout the novel, the reader is presented with various symbols. The symbols are clearly made evident by Holden’s constant repetition of their importance. The symbols are so important and their symbolism is directly related to the major themes of the novel.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Allie, Holden’s young brother who died several years earlier, was a key symbol throughout the story. When Holden remembers incidents from his past involving Allie, his attitude changes, such as when he writes the composition about Allie’s baseball glove or when Holden broke his hand after punching all of the windows after Allie died. He feels that Allie was one of the few people who were not phony in a world full of phonies. More importantly, Allie represents the innocence and childhood that Holden strives to find throughout his multi-day journey. In Holden’s opinion, Allie represents the purity that Holden looks for in the world. Holden admits that he admires Allie more than he admires Jesus, and even prays to Allie at one point, rather than Jesus. Allie is Holden’s role model, whom he judges the rest of the world according to. When Allie dies, it creates turbulence in Holden’s life.   Ã‚  Ã‚   At various points during the course of the novel, Holden inquires as to what happens to the ducks who are normally on a pond in Central Park, when winter comes and the water freezes. As he inquires, the answers he receives range from as farfetched answers as the idea that the ducks still remain there under the ice, just as the fish do, to uncaring answers such as a simple "What a stupid question!" remark. Despite the answer he gets, Holden is never satisfied with the reply. Holden doesn’t consciously realize that the ducks relate to him. Whether he will admit it or not, Holden is scared. He has been kicked out of numerous schools, he can’t get good grades, his parents are angry with him, and he spends his days wandering through New York City. He doesn’t know where he is going to go, reflecting his question about the ducks. Perhaps if he knew where the ducks went, he could follow their example.   Ã‚  Ã‚   While walking through New York City, Holden arrives at the Museum of Natural History. He remarks about the museum that he likes the glass cases that the museum officials place all of their exhibits in.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Revolutionizing Elearning As Young Students Collaboratively Study Education Essay

With the altering life style in the society, how pupils live outside school becomes a challenge in bettering the educational system ; a process that has continuously evolved along with the promotion of scientific discipline and engineering. Gone were the yearss where school was thought to be a mere schoolroom and a instructor to educate immature heads, instead it besides includes modern installations, engineering, course of study and advanced instruction methods. Parents have now more options in taking the sort of instruction to give to their kids. But instruction per Se is besides sometimes defined depending on parents ‘ ability to pay, life style and even work agenda. This research aims to integrate the three factors that affect larning in the kingdom of modern society: the course of study, the method and the electronic platform. While larning system has endlessly been altering, the demand to supply more antiphonal and suiting learning bundle to immature scholars still exists. But are younger coevalss ready to travel for a full-online acquisition? Can you conceive of few old ages from now, school will no longer be schoolrooms but right at our ain place and the used-to be school edifice will be used to ease the face to confront socialisation of the immature scholars? Children will travel to ‘school ‘ to play with other childs and travel place ‘to continue larning ‘ though the aid of larning facilitators who could be parents, professional instructors or coachs and the usage of electronic platforms like computing machine, cyberspace and other engineerings. Learning at place is non a new manner of larning but it began since Renaissance epoch and modern instruction has acknowledged this as an option. One of the options offered by most private establishments is called homeschooling, a authoritative manner of larning but redefined with modified course of study, attack and oftentimes with the integrating of engineering. It is a untraditional manner of larning compared with common schoolroom acquisition, where a parent or coach or professional instructor act as a facilitator-consultant and a scholar stay at place to analyze. This construct was revived in the United States by John Holt ( 1964 ) who felt unhappy with the public school system and subsequently followed by Raymond Moore, a devout Christian and ex-missionary. For most developed states like the United States of America and the United Kingdom, homeschooling is patronized by parents for different grounds. Even for households who migrate abroad seek to happen the best place school for their kids as they still try to settle down or suit in with their working agenda and in the community. Homeschooling, an Alternate There were research surveies on the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling to turning phase of kids and the socialisation facet is seen to be a common job. This may non be true to all particularly for parents who involve their kids with community activities and other particular involvement categories such as dance category, music, athleticss and others but these would be excess cost. How do most homeschooling ‘teach ‘ pupils at place? There are two types of homeschooling, foremost, parents buy faculties and stuffs and they themselves teach their kids or engage a coach to make it on their behalf ; and 2nd, parents enroll their kids to distance learning plans. Accredited homeschooling establishments have set their criterions to run into their state ‘s regulated course of study instruction as benchmark. Normally, the scholar or pupil takes standardized tests to be measured for an upgrade and/or earn his/her sheepskin. The distant acquisition could take to developing societal accomplishments of scholars. Socialization accomplishments play a important function in the society and if this facet is seen as one of the disadvantages of homeschooling, so possibly, it is non the homeschooling construct that affects the holistic development of kids but the learning procedure and attack. Revolutionizing How Children Learn This research survey focuses on place schooling teaching method in telecollaborative attack utilizing English as medium of direction and e-learning tools in instruction and acquisition. It aims to examine the effects of the said attack in replying the common diagnosed job in homeschooling which is the developing societal larning accomplishments of scholars due to remote or isolated and independent attack in larning. It besides aims to measure whether immature scholars are prepared to full-online larning utilizing engineering as tool while developing their cognitive, socio-affective and psychomotor spheres. Homeschooling in Asiatic States Why English Language? Although the survey focuses on the telecollaborative attack in homeschooling utilizing engineering as tools, English as the map linguistic communication is considered important in developing societal accomplishments as scholars are exposed to planetary practical community. The intense demand brought by the promotion of engineering and globalisation, reenforcing the usage of this linguistic communication has become one of the pushs of the Ministry of Education in many Asiatic states to get by with the altering gait of planetary economic system and learning.A But how long does it take for not native talkers attain English linguistic communication proficiency in academic context? In East Asia, kids learn their native linguistic communication non merely at place but even in schools since about all topics is taught in their native linguistic communication except for English lesson. English is the most studied foreign linguistic communication in the People ‘s Republic of China, Japan , South Korea and Taiwan ( Republic of China ) . In PR China, English is a needed linguistic communication get downing with the 3rd class, although the quality of direction varies greatly and most Chinese citizens do non talk it good. The survey of English is besides required in India, where it is used for official communicating. In Nepal, about all topics are taught in English, except for Nepali literature ( Modern Language, Wikipedia 2007 ) . In the Philippines, English linguistic communication has become the primary medium of direction and required to utilize to non less than 70 % of the clip allocation for all larning countries in all twelvemonth degrees ( Department of Education Order no. 36, Series 2006 ) . Based on the survey in the most successful school learning English as 2nd linguistic communication to pupils in California, the unwritten proficiency takes 3 to 5 old ages to develop, and academic English proficiency can take 4 to 7 old ages ( Hakuta, 2000 ) . An premise was besides made by Epstein ( 1977 ) of Washington Post that linguistic communication acquisition depends on the gait on how English is introduced to a pupil under a bilingual plan. Another in deepness survey of 2nd linguistic communication acquisition was made by Van Lier ( 1998 ) where in his observation he wrote: Many of the early instance surveies of immature kids emphasized the successes of the 2nd linguistic communication acquisition procedure. The research workers frequently marveled at the celerity with which these immature kids learned to discourse in the 2nd linguistic communication, sometimes in a affair of months. These findings concur with the sentiments of the general population that larning linguistic communications is an easy and natural undertaking for immature kids. They merely ‘pick them up, ‘ as it were. However, when we look a little more closely at the inside informations of linguistic communication usage as reported in these instance surveies, we can see a few general forms emerge. In none of the instance surveies, whether of immature kids, striplings or grownups, are any important developments of complex grammar reported within the first twelvemonth, or even in the 2nd twelvemonth. Rather, all surveies speak of formulaic vocalizations, colloquial schemes, and a extremely simple codification. This simple codification is sufficient for mundane societal contact, and frequently gives the feeling of astonishing colloquial eloquence in these contexts, but it is non the elaborate, syntactically and lexically complex codification of the adept linguistic communication user. A A A A A A This gives us an feeling that colloquial proficiency in geting English as 2nd linguistic communication may non compare academic proficiency of the linguistic communication which is the basic kernel for success in formal establishments ( schools ) .A Immersion has been used as scheme in most Asiatic states like China, Korea, Japan, Malaysia Thailand and few selected metropoliss in the Philippines. However, the fact that one develops colloquial linguistic communication accomplishments, it still helps in set uping resonance as one builds societal web.Theoretical BackgroundTelecollaborative Approach refers to the method applied in the instructional design that involves scholars working with their equals in the schoolroom and with equals at a distance through on line or practical coaction. Telecollaborative came from two blended words: Tele means â€Å" at a distance † and Collaborate means â€Å" portion the labours † ( literally, â€Å" co-labor † ) ; â €Å" tele-collaborative † is a larning undertaking in which the participants â€Å" portion the labours † of larning â€Å" at a distance † through the assistance of information and communicating technology.A They may portion those labours through electronic mail, newsgroups, treatment forums or a figure of other online tools and larning environments. A A A A A A This instructional design is anchored on different larning theories, rules and surveies. A A A A A A Constructive Pedagogy is an attack based on premise that cognition is developed ( constructed ) by the person through actively take parting in the cognitive procedure, societal procedure and rational procedure. It, promotes a more open-ended acquisition experience where the methods and consequences of larning are non easy measured and may non be the same for each scholar ( Mergel, 1998 ) . Harmonizing to Smorgansboard ( 1997 ) , as influenced by other theoreticians like Bruner, Ulrick, Neiser, Goodman, Kant, Kuhn, Dewey, Habermas, and Jean Piaget, Constructivism creates real-world environment that employ the context in which acquisition is relevant ; focal points on realistic attacks to work outing real-world jobs ; provides tools and environments that help scholars construe the multiple positions of the universe ; displacements paradigm of the teacher to a manager and analyser of the schemes used to work out jobs ; stresses conceptual interrelation by supplying multiple representations or positions on the content ; negotiates and non imposes instructional ends and aims ; utilizes rating as a self-analysis tool ; and makes larning internally controlled and meditated by the learner.A A A A A A A Another larning theory aligned to constructivism is David Kolb ‘s theory known as Experiential Learning, foremost published in 1984 when his thoughts have had a dramatic impact on the design and development of womb-to-tomb larning models.A Harmonizing to his theory, experience is the beginning of larning. Kolb and Fry ( 1983 ) created celebrated theoretical account out of four elements: a. ) concrete experience, B. ) observation c. ) contemplation, and d. ) program, the formation of abstract constructs and proving in new state of affairss. The celebrated experiential larning circle patterned after Kurt Lewin ‘s, explores the cyclical form of all larning from Experience through Reflection and Conceptualizing to Action and on to AA farther Experience.A A A A A A A The 3rd theory considered by the research worker is Judith Harris ‘ Learning Framework. Harris ( 1998 ) is noted for her seminal activities in telecomputing where schoolrooms are connected worldwide through the assistance of internet entree. The activity constructions are interpersonal exchanges, information aggregation and job resolution. The research worker adopted the learning model of Judi Harris to enable scholars to associate with state of affairss within and outside their ain context, to pass on and to associate outside the schoolroom through the assistance of information and communicating engineering. A A A A Two surveies conducted were found to hold used one or two of the mentioned theories such as constructivism, experiential theories and telecomputing framework.A These involved different schemes in learning linguistic communication both in primary and in secondary schools.A Most of these schemes used engineering in learning particularly in developed states like United States of America and Europe. A A A Apple Classroom of Tomorrow ( ACOT ) of United States of America and Project Method in School Projects through E-Learning ( PROMISE ) of Europe conducted a separate survey about effectual schemes in learning English linguistic communication. A A A Harmonizing to the research conducted by Apple Classroom of Tomorrow ( ACOT, 1998 ) , the cardinal accomplishments of reading, authorship, and arithmetic remain the basiss of schooling and pupil acquisition. Surveies have shown that pupils with everyday entree to engineering larn these basic accomplishments faster and better when they have a opportunity to pattern them utilizing engineering and are more motivated to larn when engineering is portion of their day-to-day school experience. Surveies show that one time pupils become familiar with engineering, they rapidly develop proficiency in its usage. This opens up an exciting new universe of larning possibilities for them, and their possible for achievement skyrockets. Students gain new accomplishments and go familiar with new engineerings that will assist fix them for future success in an progressively technological universe. Even the most basic tools can assist immature scholars become more productive. A A A Researchers involved in the Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow undertaking revealed that third-grade pupils found it easier to compose with a keyboard than with a pencil or a pen. Because authorship was easier, they wrote more. By composing more, they learned to compose better. Their battle to larning undertakings with engineering led them to this betterment. As a consequence, they spend more clip acquisition and practising the basic undertakings than pupils who approach the same undertakings in a traditional paper-and-pencil mode. A A A A A A In Europe, K. Antilla, M.A Erickson and S. Holme-Larsen conducted Project Method in School Projects through E-Learning ( PROMISE, 2005 ) .A They found out that many of the participants of the computing machine supported job based acquisition were positive about the technological attack. They said that the pupils love to make computing machine supported collaborative undertaking work because it was different from how they usually work.A The merchandise orientation was non what attracted the kids, but the procedure of larning on how to happen information and how to make the research.A However, the troubles on the lingual and cultural facets of communicating with aliens were the important barriers on this project.A Many respondents found that the deficiency of personal lingual competency was a heavy barrier, whereas professional educational facets such as instruction, acquisition, pupils ‘ function in the schoolroom pattern less of import. Several participants declare that their over all feeling was that their pupils were happy to take part in multinational computing machine supported collaborative acquisition ( CSCL ) undertakings. They considered it as a benefit and gave new inspiration to instructors and pupils who were involved in such undertakings. A A A A A A Both ACOT and PROMISE stated that engineering played as an of import subscriber in learning scholars to compose, read and even work with equals. However, what were emphasized were non the technological facets entirely but the procedure involved utilizing engineering as tools in learning pupils made them execute better.A Although diverseness in linguistic communication, civilization, and deficiency of engineering tools in some countries became barriers in Europe, still the acquisition undertakings were found to be good. A A A A A A The 4th theory considered for this survey was Mc Grath ‘s Mentoring Framework, a model that directs wise man or the instructor to take the propositional cognition of the mentees or the pupils to procedural cognition through providing, taking or demoing. It process scholars to go brooding practicians of cognition. The terminal end of this model is to do scholars skilled in using their acquisition at the terminal of the procedure. This model was adopted in the National English Proficiency Program of Department of Education in 2003. It was a mentoring plan designed for instructors to better their presentation and treatment accomplishments, art of oppugning and giving of undertaking instructions accomplishments. A A A A A A The last theory considered and found to be the baseline of the theoretical model is the Social Network Theory where a map of all of the relevant ties between the nodes is being studied ( Barnes, 1954 ) .A This theory refuted the traditional sociological surveies where single attributes matter more than the relationship. Alternatively it was the antonym, where relationship ties matter most and where single attributes affair less ( Burkhardt, 1994 ) .A A A A A A A With the promotion of engineering, societal networking engineerings play an of import portion in pupil motive, keeping and learning-especially in distributed acquisition environments. Social networking engineerings and media are of import tools because of their ability to further interaction and communicating between pupils. This is particularly of import in on-line acquisition communities, where pupils may hold limited face-to-face clip to construct a support web with their equals ( Baird, 2005 ) and homeschooling is one of the authoritative illustrations. A A A A A A Derek Baird wrote that a cardinal component of a societal web engineering like Flickr was its uniqueness on its platform design.A Online coaction and community are interwoven as chief constituents. Though it was non originally designed for instruction, it was found to be utile. Baird said that one of the chief booby traps of presenting new engineering into the schoolroom ( on-line or otherwise ) is the hazard of holding the engineering frustrate the user to the point that it distracts them from their original acquisition end. Apec Cyber Academy Program, Taking IT Global, ejournals and other educational online site are some illustration of societal web tools that areA of import because their ease-of-use allows the pupil to maintain his/her focal point on geting new accomplishments, constructing on bing cognition while at the same clip developing authorship, package, and beef uping societal ties within their learning circle. A A A A A A An application of societal web theory was studied by Kern, R. and Warschauer, M. ( 2000 ) where they presented the development of linguistic communication learning utilizing computing machine. In their paper, they presented the theories behind the computing machine assisted linguistic communication acquisition ( CALL ) and the development of network-based linguistic communication instruction ( NBLT ) as one signifier of CALL.A Harmonizing to the writers, NBLT is linguistic communication learning that involves the usage of computing machines connected to one another in either local or planetary webs. Whereas CALL has traditionally been associated with self-contained, programmed applications such as tutorials, drills, simulations, instructional games, trials, and so on. It represents a new and different side of CALL, where human-to-human communicating is the focal point. Language scholars with entree to the Internet, for illustration, can now potentially communicate with na tive talkers ( or other linguistic communication scholars ) all over the universe 24 hours a twenty-four hours, seven yearss a hebdomad, from school, place, or work. Learners can pass on either on a one-to-one or a many-to-many footing in local-area web conferences and farther multiplies their chances for communicative pattern. Finally, the fact that computer-mediated communicating occurs in a written, electronically-archived signifier gives pupils extra chances to be after their discourse and to detect and reflect on linguistic communication usage in the messages they compose and read. A A A A A A However, still instructors remained disbelieving in the usage of this scheme ( Cotton, 1995 ) . As footing, few research surveies have been conducted as to computing machine and linguistic communication acquisition. Some illustration of this was the academic study of instructional usage of engineering in 1995. It showed that 59 % of foreign linguistic communication plans and 65 % of ESL plans used no signifier of computing machine engineering in their classs and puting linguistic communication instruction at the underside of the list of academic countries surveyed. A A A A A A In this survey, the reappraisal of NBLT of Carla Meskill ‘s and Krassimira Ranglova ‘s research ( 2000 ) on the execution of new technology-enhanced English as Foreign Language ( EFL ) instruction in Bulgaria was cited. Meskill and Ranglova showed that the usage of computing machine webs was portion of a broader conceptualisation of the linguistic communication plan that resulted in a more â€Å" socio-collaborative † attack to acquisition, a greatest illustration of the fact that engineering is non merely a machine, or even merely the usage of a machine, but instead a wide signifier of societal organisation. Part of the reappraisal is the sum-up of findings on how engineering, content affair, and activities were integrated in the literature-based course of study through the usage of audio tape, harmony plans and manner draughtss, word processing, and email coactions. In their findings, pupils under NBLT significantly gained higher in reading, vocabular y, grammar and authorship. A A A A A A Teachers reported that the new course of study required pupils and instructors likewise to radically change their apprehension of what it is to larn a linguistic communication. Because of the cardinal displacement in position required by the new course of study, teachers reported an initial daze followed by gradual and favourable accommodation to this new independent and participatory manner of larning. Likewise, instructors felt their ain accommodation experience, though ab initio rather hard, eased by the instantly discernable benefits reaped by their pupils. A A A A A A Students reported a really enthusiastic response to the new course of study. They reported this â€Å" response-based † attack to literature affecting email exchanges with American university pupils to be highly helpful in footings of motive, assurance, and overall English linguistic communication development. Interestingly, though non alone in the literature, merely half of the pupils found the equal redacting component of the course of study helpful. A A A A A A Cited surveies provided grounds for the viability of computing machine engineerings as tools to back up linguistic communication larning ends and the socio-collaborative procedure. It is believed that through these theories, Constructivism, Experiential Learning, Telecomputing, Mentoring Frameworks and Social Network Theory, scholars in Asia under homeschooling plan would go socially adjusted and academically developed as other pupils in a regular school plans.Research AimsThis research aims to examine the followers: Readiness of immature scholars for full-on-line acquisition Effectiveness of telecollaborative attack in advancing critical, brooding and societal accomplishments Effectiveness and functionality of the e-platformsSignificance of the StudyTechnology has been portion of our turning modern society. Using it to the full benefits of every citizen begins with the right instruction that we provide to our younger coevals. How we gear them to take our future civilisation is every bit important as gestating the appropriate acquisition teaching method and tools that pedagogues use before really implementing it in the acquisition procedure. Hence, this survey considers the possible important effects of full online larning through homeschooling plans and prepares responsible stakeholders for its possible effects to avoid any inauspicious possibilities from repeating in the hereafter.Research MethodologyA A A A A A The research worker will utilize Experimental and Qualitative Research as methods. A qualitative research is a method in which the research worker attempts to analyze of course happening phenomena in all their complexness ( Fraenkel and Wallen, 1 998 ) .ProceduresA A A A A A The respondents are selected in-between school pupils ages 10-12 from Taiwan and the Philippines. The survey period is divided into three major phases: Preparation of course of study and rating tools, e-platform and schemes ; Actual experiment phase ; and Evaluation and Analysis. Below is the research undertaking ‘s mileposts and mark period.Research Target Milestone and Time Frame: 2 Old agesPhaseTIME FRAMEMilestone1st 2 months Datas Gathering Homeschooling in Taiwan and in the Philippines Standard Curriculum and Assessment Ministry of Education ‘s School Policies Respondents 2 months Curriculum Design and Assessment Tools Preparation ( placing specific larning aims and topics to be used ) 6 months E-Platform Design and other Technology Tools Preparation 1 month Random Sampling and Test of E-tools 2 hebdomads Concluding Choice of Respondents 2nd 8 months ( within the school twelvemonth of the respondents ‘ states ) Experiment Phase 8 months Datas Gathering 3rd These phases are inclusive of the experiment period where there will be an on-going analysis until it reached the concluding decision and presentation. Datas Analysis Evaluation Consultation Pulling of Conclusion Research Final Presentation